European Heat Pump Summit Newsroom

News of the industry

  • EHPA: Competitiveness of the HP sector in Europe

    Nearly half of the European Union’s (EU) energy consumption is used for heating and cooling. Of this, over 70 % is still from fossil fuels, which are mainly imported. Heat pumps are a clean and cost-efficient alternative for heating, cooling, and producing hot water, significantly reducing energy use and emissions compared to traditional heating systems and avoiding energy imports. Recognised as a key cleantech industry in the European Commission’s Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA), heat pumps not only contribute to climate and energy targets but also increase Europe’s economic resilience and competitiveness. To unlock their full potential, EU policymakers must prioritise the development of supportive policies and financial frameworks. --> EHPA-Competitiveness-of-the-heat-pump-sector-in-Europe-Report

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  • Agora: Promises and pitfalls of ‘low-carbon’ hydrogen in Europe

    ‘Low-carbon’ hydrogen made with fossil gas must have strong safeguards if it is to make a positive contribution to Europe’s transition to climate neutrality. A new analysis by Agora Energiewende and Agora Industry, building on modelling by Deloitte, highlights the risks in draft EU rules and shows why grid-based renewable and ‘low-carbon’ hydrogen are the better fit for Europe’s climate protection and energy security interests...

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  • Liebherr: Land for a new logistics site in the USA

    In the state of Mississippi, USA Liebherr has acquired 480,000 square meters of land. The Liebherr Group plans to invest in a new logistics distribution center for spare parts to serve its customers in South and North America. In addition, the company intends to establish a campus on the site, where various business units from different product segments of the company will operate in the future. Liebherr aims to create around 180 new jobs in the region.

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  • Epta: Integrated Financial Report 2023

    Epta has developed and published the new edition of its Integrated Financial Report 2023, a document that delivers a transparent vision of the strategies implemented by the Group to create shared value in the short, medium, and long term, and to foster sustainable growth. In detail, the Integrated Financial Report combines the financial performance and results achieved by the Group in terms of Sustainability and Innovation...

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  • bruegel: European Union’s building decarbonisation plan

    How to finance the European Union’s building decarbonisation plan: By 2030, the European Union must reduce emissions from the heating and cooling of buildings – responsible for 13 percent of EU emissions – by the equivalent of the annual emissions of Slovakia. This requires a near tripling of the current decarbonisation rate. But the time gap between high upfront costs and long-term payback from renovation works deter consumers from investing in energy renovation. This policy brief discusses the challenges of meeting EPBD targets and introducing ETS2 smoothly. Source ASHRAE

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