European Heat Pump Summit Newsroom

Successfully preparing for the European Heat Pump Summit

© NürnbergMesse / Heiko Stahl

With all presentations scheduled and the Foyer Expo fully booked, the stage is set for the European Heat Pump Summit to become the No. 1 platform for high-calibre discussions and knowledge-sharing among international heat pump experts on 24 and 25 October 2023. Participants can start planning their visit now.

Acclaimed speakers and international experts from industry, commerce and the R&D community will travel from all around the world to attend the European Heat Pump Summit 2023 in Nuremberg. “To make the most effective use of their time on site and get the most out of their congress experience, participants should start preparing for their visit now by making initial arrangements,” recommends Elke Harreiss, Director European Heat Pump Summit at NürnbergMesse.

Put together your personal congress programme

Participants can look forward to a total of 39 interesting presentations on topical issues over the two days of the congress and can use our online event planner to keep track of the sessions. Browse all presentation topics, read descriptions of content, bookmark your personal highlights and save the times and dates directly to your calendar. You can also find information about the respective speakers and their professional backgrounds. The event planner is online at:

The presentations will be in English and cover the latest market developments, R&D results, and applications for heat pumps in the commercial and industrial segments.

Innovations and products at Foyer Expo

No less than 30 German and international exhibitors will make the accompanying Foyer Expo the ideal place to see how the topics explored in the presentations can be put into practice. Chat with specialists and other congress delegates and find out about new products and innovations from the key players in the heat pump market. To find out which exhibitors you can meet at the Foyer Expo, go to:

Save the date: get-together on the first evening of the congress

An additional opportunity to network in a relaxed atmosphere is provided by the get-together on the first evening of the congress, starting at 18:10 in the “Mitte Entrance” area at Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. Keep that evening free by marking it in your calendar now. Entry to the get-together is included in your ticket. For more information about this event, go to:

Get your congress ticket now online

The ticket shop for the European Heat Pump Summit 2023 is already open. The regular congress ticket costs €555, while a student ticket is €170. The ticket price includes conference materials, drinks during coffee breaks, lunch, and entry to the get-together on the first day of the congress. If you are taking part online, the conference materials will be provided electronically. Please register now online and buy your ticket at:

Travelling to the European Heat Pump Summit by train, car or plane

The European Heat Pump Summit will take place at the NCC Mitte congress centre of Exhibition Centre Nuremberg, which is located at one of Europe’s major transport hubs. Whether you come by train, car or plane, you can enjoy a comfortable and clearly signposted journey to the Exhibition Centre from Europe and elsewhere in the world. For directions, information on car parks and parking fees, and estimated travel times, please go to:

Hotels and other accommodation in Nuremberg

Book your accommodation conveniently using our booking system, whether you are looking for a 5-star hotel or a private guest room. Quite apart from the European Heat Pump Summit, the beautiful city of Nuremberg has plenty of other attractions to offer visitors. For information on hotel rooms at discounted trade fair rates and sightseeing tips, go to:
