28. - 29. Oktober 2025 // Nürnberg

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Kongressprogramm 2023

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Developing, testing and demonstrating a high-temperature Heat Pump portfolio [33] Vortragssprache Englisch

High-temperature Heat pumps with supply temperatures above 100 °C are a key-technology for decarbonizing industrial process heat demands through efficient electrification. Reaching highest efficiencies and competitive economic performances requires finding an optimal combination of the design of the Heat Pump system and the process integration. The high variety in industrial applications requires an accordingly large portfolio of available technologies for high temperature Heat Pumps.

This presentation will introduce the development of various high-temperature Heat Pump technologies and their optimal integration into industrial processes. The Heat Pumps are currently being developed in joint projects between the Danish Technological Institute and a number of component suppliers, Heat Pump builders, and industrial end-users. Special high temperature compressors will be developed and tested for the projects.

The Heat Pumps will be built, lab-tested and operated in real life conditions at various industrial customers. A special focus will be placed on finding the overall optimal integration by a simultaneous optimization of the Heat Pump cycle layout and the industrial processes. The presentation will address technologies based on steam compression, hydrocarbons and R-744 as working fluids, and insights on 6 different demonstration systems with a heating capacity between 500 kW and 4 MW will be presented. Furthermore, the presentation will give a current status on the latest testing activities in the high-temperature Heat Pump laboratory at the Danish Technological Institute.

--- Datum: 25.10.2023 Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 14:20 Uhr Ort: Saal Brüssel, NCC Mitte


 Tage Petersen

Tage Petersen

M.Sc. Mech Engineering, Energy Technology / Danish Technological...


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