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Kongressprogramm 2023

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F-gas and REACH regulations: A risk of the EU Heat Pump market rampup? [5] Vortragssprache Englisch

EHPA has been focusing over the past year on representing the European Heat Pump sector in talks with stakeholders dealing with the F-gas and REACH regulation, interacting with the European Parliament, Commission and Council of the EU.

Trialogues on the F-gas regulation are set to end at the end of July 2023. Hence, we will most likely have a finalized draft of the law bid by the time the Summit takes place. EHPA, together with partner associations from the sector (including EPEE, Eurovent, and Applia), has drafted joint proposals to the file, which have been shared with policymakers all across the EU, from MEPs to local ministries and permanent representations to the EU.
The presentation will then illustrate the bans that concern Heat Pumps, specifically those included in the Annex IV, bans 17, 18. Besides, the presentation will tackle other crucial paragraphs of the file, among which the ban on export of refrigerants and products containing refrigerants.

The content’s structure will be finalized once the decision-making process reaches its final stage in the institutions, with the aim to show how these bans will impact heat pumps, answering questions such as:
Which types of Heat Pumps will be affected?
Which bans concern a specific type of Heat Pumps, leaving out others?
Which bans affect industrial Heat Pumps?
Which refrigerants will be allowed for which Heat Pumps and which not?

As per the REACH regulation, the process will be much longer and EHPA is taking part in the different formal stages of the consultation and legislative process. Hence EHPA could have the opportunity to present the contributions of our sector to this consultation, along with any policy update or study that could be of interest to the audience.

--- Datum: 24.10.2023 Uhrzeit: 10:50 - 11:10 Uhr Ort: Saal Brüssel, NCC Mitte


 Alessia Del Vasto

Alessia Del Vasto

Senior Policy Officer / European Heat Pump Association


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