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Green Heating with Danfoss [20] Vortragssprache Englisch

Green Heating is about low CO2 emitting heating installations. It is important to consider the right environmental metrics, this is not only about “natural” (as opposed to F-gas) refrigerants or GWP (Global Warming Potential) but rather about TEWI (Total Equivalent Warming Impact) and even better LCCP (Life Cycle Climate Performance).

All things considered energy efficiency is the primary contributor to CO2 emissions, in other words “the greenest energy is the energy we don’t use”. Safety and Life Cycle Cost also matter when it comes to selecting the best refrigerant.
“Natural” refrigerants should be used when safety standards allow, if they are efficient enough and economically viable. We can find a “Natural” refrigerant suited to most Heat Pump types but not all.
Often neglected when it comes to energy efficiency but extremely relevant with Heat Pump is the optimization of the hydronic distribution. There are several combinations of parameters (water temperature, pump speed, valves openings…) that will allow to deliver the right heating capacity to the user room, but only one that enables the Heat Pump to operate under the most favorable conditions.

Additionally cloud services make it is possible to integrate weather forecast, temperature but also wind and solar radiations, the electricity spot prices (relevant in specific countries), demand side flexibility etc… in order to use energy when it is the most relevant and make use of the inertia or thermal storage capability of buildings to further reduce CO2 emissions and the end user energy bill.

Danfoss is committed to delivering the right components, solutions and optimization services to the Heating market. We have selected the best refrigerants (R-290-C3H8; R-600-C4H10; R-744-CO2; R-717-NH3; R1234ze…) for each type of heating application, built our portfolio and roadmap accordingly.

In this presentation we will review the regulatory drivers, the various space and water heating applications in residential and commercial, the decision factors that led to the choice of a specific refrigerant and finally Danfoss offering for these applications.

We will focus specifically on the key components that have an impact on energy efficiency or are impacted by the refrigerant selection: compressors, heat exchangers, expansion valves, electronic radiator thermostat, dynamic balancing valves, control logics/optimization service.

--- Datum: 24.10.2023 Uhrzeit: 17:30 - 17:50 Uhr Ort: Saal Brüssel, NCC Mitte


 Matthieu Stoll

Matthieu Stoll

Heat Pump System Engineering / Danfoss A/S


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