28. - 29. Oktober 2025 // Nürnberg

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Sensing and safety solutions for Heat Pumps using R-290 and other refrigerants [10] Vortragssprache Englisch

Across a wide variety of engineering challenges facing companies right now, perhaps no piece of this transformation has gotten as much attention as the push to increase the use of Heat Pump technology across the entire European Union. This comes with a need to deliver Heat Pump designs which are safer, cleaner, and more efficient – meeting the COP demands which will make switching to Heat Pumps more cost-effective outside of government incentives.

The core of any Heat Pump – or any heating system – is the careful balance between the temperature and pressure of the refrigerant which drives system efficiency and safety – particularly with the safety measures needed to manage R-290 refrigerant.

With standard and customizable pressure sensors, pressure switches, temperature sensors and thermostats, Heat Pump manufacturers can design hydronic and refrigerant loops which deliver maximum efficiency. There are also other components which are crucial in driving other pieces of Heat Pump architecture – from motor protection products which are built into the compressors, to relays and circuit breakers which manage power and switching within the system.

As that shift continues, the biggest challenges will be how the electrical grid can be updated to continue to support this growth, and how well manufacturers can work to deliver enough units to meet the demand.

Join this session to see how sensor-driven solutions can help deliver Heat Pump designs which are safer, cleaner, and more efficient. 

--- Datum: 24.10.2023 Uhrzeit: 13:40 - 14:00 Uhr Ort: Saal Brüssel, NCC Mitte


 Jan klein Bluemink

Jan klein Bluemink

Senior Field Application Engineer / Sensata Technologies

 Wouter  Oosterwijk

Wouter Oosterwijk

Area Sales Manager / Sensata Technologies


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