28. - 29. Oktober 2025 // Nürnberg

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Kongressprogramm 2023

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Design and selection of heat exchangers for commercial and industrial Heat Pumps [11] Vortragssprache Englisch

There is enormous potential for the use of Heat Pumps in commercial and industrial applications. When planning a system, the selection of the heat exchanger to be used plays an important role in terms of safety, energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness.Manufacturers of finned heat exchangers offer solutions specially designed for Heat Pumps, which are especially suited to the many different operating conditions of the system and the requirements of the installer and operator.

In this presentation, the different system concepts, ambient conditions and operating situations of air-source Heat Pumps will be considered with regard to the requirements on the heat exchanger. Gregor Schmidt from thermofin GmbH will show different types of air heat exchangers and explain areas of application and special features. The audience will receive an overview of possible solutions and the knowledge to select the most suitable variant for their specific needs.

The speaker will go into detail on the possibilities for setting up and operating the system economically. He provides assistance for system planners in the selection and design of heat exchangers with regard to efficiency, circuitry, defrosting and reliability. This presentation is of interest to planners and operators of Heat Pumps on a commercial and industrial scale, from supermarkets to district heating. It deals with different natural refrigerants and the resulting requirements for the heat exchanger in terms of materials, construction and circuitry.

--- Datum: 24.10.2023 Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 14:20 Uhr Ort: Saal Brüssel, NCC Mitte


 Gregor  Schmidt

Gregor Schmidt

Research and Development / thermofin GmbH


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